Art From the Heart

Two women share a tapestry of stories about their partnership and spiritual journey. "Opening our souls to you, whatever God inspires us to create through the gift of word."

Location: United States

We are two art lovin', music singin', people huggin', Fever fannin', book readin', high steppin', bicyclin', Internetin', movie watchin', calorie eatin', butt widein', cat nappin', God lovin' women.

Friday, June 02, 2006

The Party's Over

My partner and I left at 10:00 pm. on Wednesday night to head back home. We arrived at 1:30 pm. on Thursday. Needless to say, we were totally exhausted. We stopped at a rest part and slept for a little while, and then we drove again. Next time, I believe we will fly.

We had a great time visiting with our friends, and the Outer Banks is absolutely beautiful. I neve thought I would say this, but I actually got my fill of seafood. It was fresh and delicious, and you do not leave hungry.

We slept most of the day and the evening. We are getting ready to put our luggage away, and then we are heading South to finish cleaning out our barn.

I can't think of the words to describe the friends that we left behind in N.C. I guess a better description would be "family." We have been to hell and back; we have experienced nearly everything any person could, and we are still friends..."heart" friends. I wouldn't trade any one of them for a billion dollars.

To the Indiana Cornfed: please have fun, and be careful on your return trip. WE LOVE YOU, and we miss you. Sorry that circumstances worked out the way they did, but I am so happy to be selling the property. It is time.

Love to all,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My love to the indiana Corn Fed at the 'We Beat Anorexia' Convention!!!! Be careful traveling home! we loved our time with you...but, most of all, we just love YOU!!! Lisa

4:35 PM  

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