Art From the Heart

Two women share a tapestry of stories about their partnership and spiritual journey. "Opening our souls to you, whatever God inspires us to create through the gift of word."

Location: United States

We are two art lovin', music singin', people huggin', Fever fannin', book readin', high steppin', bicyclin', Internetin', movie watchin', calorie eatin', butt widein', cat nappin', God lovin' women.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

An Indiana Cornfed Breakfast

We are in Nags Head, North Carolina with our group of "heart" friends, eating, swimming, eating, doing puzzles, eating, singing, eating...well, you get the picture. We just finished our breakfast which consisted of 12 lbs. of potatoes, 6 lbs. of bacon, 46 eggs, 3 loaves of bread for toast, margarine, and jam. We are definitely well-fed.

We are having a great time! We have truly had a "vacation." Everyone does their own thing, and we also hang together as much as we want. We have laughed, cried, sang, and been quiet together. (Which can be very hard with 19 people.) We lost one who had to fly back home to go to work.

We are staying in a huge house on the beach with all the amenities of home. We have t.v.'s in every room, karaoke, a pool table, a computer, a pool, a hottub, a cabana, well, you name it, its here. But the best part of the whole thing is being with friends that love you unconditionally. That is the best part of life, and I am more blessed than most.

Well, I need to go. The puzzle is calling me, and I need to do everyone's eyebrows today. They are calling themselves the "unibrow girls," and we cannot drift from "Indiana Cornfed." We're loud and we're proud.

Blessings to all,

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Letting Go

Today, I sold the 3 acre tract where our home sat which is in the middle of the 71 acre farm I own. It was difficult, because my parents had lived there nearly all of their 54 years of marriage. They put alot of blood, sweat, and tears into that property, and they were very proud of their achievement. I was proud of them as well.

During the years when many farmers were losing their farms due to foreclosures, my dad held onto his. I feel like a part of them is in that soil, but greater than that, they are a part of me.

I am getting ready to watch American Idol. I really hope that Taylor wins; he is definitely the best singer, and the best entertainer. I do not particularly care for Kathryn's voice, and I do not think she is seasoned enough to do any major recordings. Of course, that is just my opinion.

I went in at 5:00 this morning, so after the show, I am heading straight to bed.

Hope everyone has a great evening!


p.s. Good job on the blog VGC. I would invite everyone to link to

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Full Body Mammogram

That's how I feel today. Like my whole body is being crushed in a mammography grid while someone scans parts unknown.

I cannot describe what I feel right now or how it is affecting me. I have learned throughout the last 3 years...that those who love us, love us, and those who don't, probably never did...and probably never will. I have spent most of my life trying to please everyone around me. And most everyone loved that I did. But, when I began to live my life for me...whoa, not many people liked that twist.

I also learned to say "no". Alot of people had never heard me utter that word very much, and they were very surprised to here it for the first few times. I love people, especially my friends, but some people will take advantage if you let them. And there is the answer, if you let them. I can't blame anyone for my choices. And, I do not care to be blamed for anyone else's choices. I am doing just fine with my own choices as bad as some of them may have been.

I have revealed alot about my personal life over the last couple of years, and I can honestly say that I am glad that I did. I regret that I did not do it sooner. I have had a big weight on my shoulders since I was a little girl, and I finally decided that I did not care who knew about my life. I did not choose my life, my life chose me. All I want to do is love my friends and family unconditionally. Is it too much to ask that they might do the same for me? I don't think so.

Life is too short to squabble over anything. We are all human. We are all sinners. All we need to do is quit judging one another and love each other the way we would like to be loved. Hold onto God, and He will hold onto you.

I wish you peace and unconditional love in your lives.


Monday, May 22, 2006

That Little Voice Inside

Have you ever experienced a little voice inside of you telling you to do something? (No, not the ones that you need medication and therapy for...but, the ones that prod you to contact someone). This evening, my partner and I had the pleasure of the company of a nun that we both know. She is an absolute hoot, and we both love her dearly. She is going to take care of our pets while we are on vacation next week.

When she got to our house, we both thought at the same time, "Let's introduce her to our next door neighbors. So, we walked over to their house and knocked on the door. Our neighbor came to the door, and he said his wife was in the other room. When she came into the hallway, we could tell she had been crying. At first we felt awkward, and then we realized that is why we were there. She shared with us that she has been arguing with three of her grown children, and that her other son is not involved in the squabble yet.

Her concern is that her grandson will soon be returning from Iraq, and she wants him to have a great homecoming. We consoled her, and we told her she need not apologize for crying, because we all do that at one time or another. We assured her that we cannot only laugh together, but we can cry together as well.

By the time we left, she was laughing, and we told her to tell her son to "put on his big girl panties and move on." She cracked up, and said she was going to tell him that very thing. Perhaps they will both laugh and everything will be a little better.

I know that we should never ignore those little voices or gut feelings that tell us to call, visit, or write someone. It could be that they need a kind or encouraging word at that very moment. God does work his wonders even when we are too oblivious to realize they are happening.

I pray you have a great evening, and that you are loved.


Sunday, May 21, 2006


I'm back. You can't keep a good woman down! Well, you can with the right bra (or so I thought). I decided to buy a Sports Bra today. In fact, I bought a 3-pack. I wanted something to lift breasts the size of small melons, and I also wanted to squish them into my back bones.

Anyway, when I got home, I put on a new Sports Bra. Well, let me just say...comfort. No tight shoulder straps, no one-inch elastic rut under and all around. And, no buckles. It felt good, and it looked pretty good. So, I started laundry.

Later when I went to the bathroom...I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe it, right there in the middle of my chest was one large breast. I yelled at my roomie and said, "Hey, look at this, I have one boob." She looked around, saw my chest, and proceeded to roll on the floor with laughter. So, I called myself "Cyboob." Then we were both on the floor laughing.

Then, while I am trying to write this entry, my roomie says listen, and she starts repeating, "It's goooooood." Her best imitation of Jim Carrey in "Bruce Almighty." She is cracking herself up and says, "That sounds really weird in my head when I say that." (Guys, I'm starting to get scared, she ain't acting right.)

Seriously, I am back and while my format may change a little, my spirit is intact.
