Art From the Heart

Two women share a tapestry of stories about their partnership and spiritual journey. "Opening our souls to you, whatever God inspires us to create through the gift of word."

Location: United States

We are two art lovin', music singin', people huggin', Fever fannin', book readin', high steppin', bicyclin', Internetin', movie watchin', calorie eatin', butt widein', cat nappin', God lovin' women.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Broken Glasses

I was removing my glasses last night, and I realized that the eye piece was still on my nose. So, all day at work, my lens were resting on my nose which meant that my glasses were lower than usual. I had to tilt my head back to my butt in order to see what I was trying to do. I went to the optical company, and they are putting my lenses in new frames. Different color; same style. (I hope it doesn't affect my looks too much).

I got my haircut. She cut a little more off than I had planned on. Then, I went to CVS to buy some cheaters since my glasses will not be ready for a day or two. So, I have cheaters, short hair, and I am styling!

It is amazing how much we take for granted until it is gone. I miss my glasses. I get aggravated at having to wear them, but if I don't, I'm pretty much blind when it comes to reading or trying to do anything at close range. Getting old is not fun! I need to hold everything at arms length in order to see it, but my arms are so weak; they hurt.

Well, I better go. I am working 4 to 12 the next two days, and I still need to do my bible study.

Love to all,


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